Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day Delights

It's that wonderful time of the year when here in the US we all like to think we have just become professional outdoor grillers.  Sadly, if you're anything like me... you are quite mistaken.  But don't let that ruin the day for you.  You're the one trying, and that deserves some credit.  Just think of all the lazy folks you invited thinking how happy they are that they are not the ones who will be stuck with the cleanup after the festivities.

Being out at sea for the 4th of July, with an international crew really doesn't mean much.  There's no fireworks and no big family get togethers.  But what there is, is plenty of food.  They catering staff has announced they will be having an "American Food Day" to celebrate.  Most likely consisting of slow cooked ribs, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, french fries, chicken wings, potato wedges, and all different sorts of slaws and vegetable salads.  I'll try and get some pictures up of the event onboard, expect to see those later in the day, or possibly even tomorrow morning.

And don't forget, today is also National BBQ Spareribs Day (and not by coincidence I'd imagine)!

Sadly, I don't have any recipes I've personally tried out that fit the holiday.  If I were home, for myself I could imagine enjoying a nice black bean burger topped with turkey bacon and avocado.  Perhaps a few slices of fresh cucumber topped with tuna tartare... mmmm yeah, that sounds like a yummy meal if you ask me.

Though I don't have any personal recipes currently to share, Let Me Google That For You.  Hint:  << Click that link for 4th of July recipes.

Have a happy and safe holiday everyone!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Strawberry Banana Next Day Oats Smoothie

On my search for low-cal breakfast delicacies I kept coming across a common recipe.  Each a tad different here and there, but the main idea was all the same... cold oatmeal.  Yeah, I know you're thinking the same thing I did, "What's so great about cold oatmeal?"  I'll let you in on the secret... NOTHING!  To be honest, all those overnight oats recipes blow.  Anyone who says different, they must be kidding themselves.

So the premise behind this morning pick me up is taking something I feel is very mediocre (albeit a healthy breakfast choice) and just turning it into something that perhaps with everything it has going for it, really marries together into a mouth happy texture that is both delicious, and good for you.

Your basic Next Day Oats are typically made in a mason jar, or large mouth cup.  I generally use the latter.  Toss in your oats, a little milk, perhaps a little cinnamon sugar and some raisins.  Stir it up well, plastic wrap the top and leave it in the fridge until the next morning.  What you'll wake up to is exactly what hot water and about 30 seconds with the oats will get you in the real world... only cold.  Mm hmm, that's right, Next Day Oats are still just oatmeal, it just takes longer.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

National Gingersnap Cookie Day

Food holidays are fun aren't they?  Reading that today was Gingersnap Cookie Day I immediately got excited.  Not really so much because I enjoy Gingersnaps (which I do) but that I thought we might actually have some out here in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.  Sadly, I was mistaken.

But fear not my fellow healthy eaters, a way to celebrate the holiday without feeling as though you need to cheat on your calorie budget is but a few sentences into the near future.

It's kind of odd that a Gingersnap would have a day in the middle of summer don't you think?  It's not a very summer-oriented cookie in my mind.  I think of fall primarily.  Mmmm, a Pumpkin-Spiced Ice Cream sammich with Gingersnaps on each end... that's what I'm talking about!

So since I cannot offer you my own, freshly made version of a calories busting Gingersnap, please let me refer you to an entry in David Lebovitz's blog where with inspiration from an Ina Garten recipe, he makes what sound like wonderfully moist, low fat + low cal (due to the absence of butter) cookies that would make a great between meal snack.  And just to be festive for the holiday, consider topping the cookie with your favorite tree nut.

To view David's recipe, click HERE.

Did you make Gingersnaps to celebrate today, or just because you like them so much?  Tell me all about it, share your comments and send in images of your homemade cookies.

NA Citrus Spritzer

Given up soda and other soft drinks, even alcohol for your current diet?  I have.  And by chance I came across a recipe on another blog for a low-cal Margarita Spritzer.  Nothing wrong with that as far as I can tell... except out here on the boat working, we are sans alcohol.  Okay, we do have NA Beer (O'Doul's and Sharps) and even some NA Wine and Champagne (and if you're a fan of either, you'll ruin yourself for life by trying the NA versions!), but nothing really to satiate the appetites of those who crave some liqour.

But I have a fix that will leave you refreshed, though perhaps not buzzed.

These fun, light, Citrus Spritzers have very few ingredients, and are easily transformable into an alcoholic version (I know some of you were worried about that one).  They are also a great low-cal substitute for those of you craving those sodas and need some respite.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Light Espresso on The Rocks

Starting a strict diet can feel extremely restricting sometimes.  It's one of the contributing factors that have lead to my reluctance to really get myself started eating healthy and losing weight.  So let me tell you that having decided on caffeine as one of the things I was adding to my "getting rid of" list, I was a bit hesitant, but hey, it's for the greater good... isn't it?

I found myself one evening reading up on studies about how caffeine can effect your weight.  And what I found out was that in reality, caffeine is only effecting those who consume quite a bit.  To your average coffee drinker, it's not near enough in your system to even worry about it one way or another.  Caffeine is also included in those soda drinkers who go through liters of the stuff a day.  That's neither here nor there, but what I'm telling you is hey, you want a cup of coffee in the morning, don't let your diet stop you!

So out here on the ship I work on we have this really nice coffee machine made by Impressa.  It makes a mean standard espresso that I go up for every morning around 4am.  This recipe, depending on how you like your espresso can be made straight up, with sugar and milk, no sugar... whatever floats your boat.  For my purposes I generally use a handled mason jar, fill it with roughly 2oz. of freshly brewed espresso, and then fill the jar with ice.  I shake for a few second to cool it down rapidly.  I then add the bit of sugar and milk, shake again, take the lid off and enjoy the delicious aroma and silky tasting concoction.